This is my first blogging award. Never really thought I would get one of these because I don't do give aways or reviews on my blog. Althought, I have won a give away or two from one of the blogs I frequent. This award came from Misadventures of Mom of 3 . Her blog is all the things that mine is not! Excellent read, excellent give-a-ways. Just wonderful.
Rules: Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
1. Grandma's Goulash
2. Of Mice And Ramen
3. Day to Day
4. Dimes to Vines
5. Mass Hole Mommy
6. Daddy Forever
7. Holly's Corner
8. Carolina Moon
9. One 2 Try
10: Penny Pinching Mama
11. 3 boys and a girl
12. Who Doesn't Love Coupons
13. Faithfully Frugal and Free
14. Hearts Make Families
15. More Than a Mom
I am following all the blog above. A lot of them I am new to reading but really enjoying going back on the posts and reading. They're all interesting, some I found on Follow Friday, and some I have been reading for years. Hope everyone gives them a chance! I could sleep and it was nice to check my email and find something to do. It also gave me a chance to save these links to update my blog roll and grab some button codes so I can redo my blog roll and button area. :)
In my previous post, I said I wanted the Nook, from Barnes and Noble. I came home from work tonight early, I was feeling sick again and it's almost 3am and I am unable to sleep, but I did want to thank my Redmosqui. He got the Nook for me and had a wonderful display waiting for me when I got home from work. I will write more on it later--- Once I learn how to use it better. :)
Congrats on the well-deserved award and passing it on to me.
Love ya!!
You are so sweet - thank you!
Oh thank you! I Love getting awards!! Congrats on yours :)
Hi Queen !
thank you soooooo much, I'm so honored and congratulations to you too, you deserve it. (oh and wow, 15 people, oh my!)
That's great you have the Nook, all I ever knew about was the Kindle, and I love B&N too. It's been a few months since I've been in that store, and I could spend a whole day in there.
I loved You WWednesday, and laughed, I thought I came over and tagged you, guess I didn't.
I love your sweet new look in here, you need to email the person you got it from and tell them the left hand border doesn't go all the way over and ask them to gix it for you because it really is a great set.
Have a wonderful and beautiful Sunday with your family.
Thanks everyone, and thanks Sandy for letting me know about the Border. I may need to look at the code to see if I did anything wrong. :) I have been looking for another look that isn't this one, but haven't found the perfect one yet. It shows up fine on my netbook but I am sure my resolution isn't set the same way as others. :) I hope you all had a great weekend too!
Congrats and thanks! I hope you feel better soon.
Congrats on your award, how lovely indeed!! And thanks for passing it along. :) You're a sweetheart! I wish you every good thing. :)
Congrats on your award. You have an awesome blog. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. There is nothing like being recognized by a fellow blogger.
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