Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Can life get anymore dysfunctional?

Ok, I'm back from the dead.... well, I'll get to that later!

Training is over, and I'm a fulltime working gal, and a fulltime mom. It's going to be hard. I got home at midnight last night. Since my health insurance hasn't kicked in, I had to a "procedure" for a cyst on my own. That took 2 hours. So I went to bed after 2am. I'm crazy, I know. 2 more months and I'll have insurance. I missed the girls the four weeks I was in training. I didn't realize that I hadn't made a post in so long. I updated my MySpace, I'll head to livejournal next. It's definitely been a while. I can't really tell you about my job yet. Well, I could. I have a lot to say but with any company, I'm not going to put it out there. It's just not right.

Has four teeth, another is cutting now.
Crawling and standing
Eating "people" food
Says: Jena, Mama, Daddy, Lanie, No, Bye

Bug.. what can I say about her? If she'd ditch the tantrums (which we are working on), I would no longer consider her a toddler even at 2 years of age. I'd consider her a girl. She tells us what she wants and what she needs. And what she wants to do. The only obstacle to get through is helping her deal with us telling her no. That's it.

Both of them still haven't been sick yet... no colds, no ear infections. I did get Jena's ears pierced on Sunday. She didn't cry, and it looks so cute. I do miss a lot of my friends. We've been playing phone tag for the last 4-5 weeks.

How is everyone in the blog world doing? I have a lot to catch up on here too!

1 comment:

Holly Schwendiman said...

Awww they are so adorable. One of these days we'll get a dictionary with a definition of what "normal" is. :) In the meantime I guess we'll keep running ourselves ragged playing the game of life.



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