Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I don't understand why insulin makes you gain so much weight. I just lost all the weight I gained from getting back on insulin in June. I got back on insulin in December and the weight is back. It's not healthy and I'm tired of the up and down. Bleh. Not really sure what to do with that at this point. My doctor told me switch up exercises, but I'm already doing that. On top of that, I have to go up 61 steps to get to my desk at work and I almost never use the elevator unless I am carrying something fragile inside. I don't really want to get off the insulin pump but I don't want to get to the overweight point either.

The girls recently developed a habit of asking me if I'll be going to work "today." They know the answer, I give them the answer, but it's still disappointing to them. That frustrates me too, I can't stay home with them and I'm 100% fine with that. I'm doing what's right for our family to keep us in the good situation we're in now. When I was a full time stay at home mom, I missed having adults to talk to. I love the people I work with now. They're nice, awesome and funny. I've even had the talk with Bug and Bee that I like going to work and we make money that way. Bug tells me she wants to go to work at the Disney store so I don't have to go to work and she can make the money. It's sweet, but unfortunately, I have heart strings. And she knows just how to tug at them when she wants to! Little does Bug know what's in store for her this coming August. Kindergarten--- Oh the adventures bug will have in kindergarten. I'm excited for that! I'm making some exciting plans for summer for us. By the end of next month, I'll be done with training and starting my regular scheduled time to go into work. So perhaps Bug and Bee won't miss me so much then because we'll be together most of the day.

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