Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Things I plan to do with the kids this year....

I've decided to go Apple and strawberry picking this year. We like to make chocolate covered strawberries, and we also like to make apple pie.

Discovery Place Kids is opening in our area in the fall of this year so we'll take the kids there since Discovery Place just isn't in their age range yet.

There is a laser tag facility, so I figure we may go play a "nice" game of hide and seek there. But for some reason, I think Redmosqui and I would have more fun going without the kids....Hmmm. We'll see. Redmosqui (husband) is my big kid, right?

We also may take a trip to the mountains or the beach but not sure which one yet. The girls haven't been to the beach or the mountains either. Mountains are always a first choice here. We may even get to the ones in Pennsylvania.

There is one place we haven't quite made it to--- It's one of the largest farmers markets in NC. I've been wanting to take Bug the last few times we've gone uptown but haven't had the time. So that's something we could do. It's probably one of the only really good farmers markets in the area that we have not gone to.

I want to take the girls to Dan Nichols Park which offers over 300 acres of land for public enjoyment. The park offers camping, hiking, fishing, small boat rentals, petting zoo, and nature museum. The park is free to enter and open year around.

We also drive Uptown to see the skyscrapers and "The Queen City."

There MAYBE a possible trip to the airport to pick up a friend that might be flying in that I haven't seen in a couple of years! Generally, we'll go a little early, park at McDonalds and marvel over the planes taking off. :) I care more about my friend, but the kids care more about the airplaces. We can let them think it's about them, right?

Another thing I'd like to do is take the girls to Reed Gold Mine, which is actually the first documented Gold Rush the lovely United States has seen... however I think this one is more for MY benefit than anyone else.

Last but not least, I want us to take a train and/or Trolley ride. Those are my plans. Whether they happen or not, I'm hoping 4 of them get accomplished and I can roll over the rest of the list for next year. One special thing every quarter of the year definitely makes the year go by quicker. Also, now that we have the minivan, trips aren't such a big deal anymore. The girls are comfortable all the time. :)

So, in all honesty, I really haven't decided on anything. This list is still so long. With our work schedules we'll probably end up Apple picking and strawberry picking, train ride, going to the Park and going to Discovery Place Kids. :/


Daddy Forever said...

Wow, you're already thinking about stuff you're doing this year. I'm the opposite. At the end of the year, I think about stuff we should have done.

Holly Schwendiman said...

So fun to have some plans! We're heading to Disneyland for our youngest's 8th birthday this fall. Everything else is by the seat of our pants right now...and I think I'm losing mine! ROFL



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