Saturday, June 05, 2010

Weekly Update!

It's been a very rough week. Whatever this mystery medical problem is, we need to figure it out. After almost 4 months of it constantly coming and going... it mysteriously disappeared! I was thankful and happy. Even though I spent so much money trying to figure it out.... it was gone. Almost 2 months. Well.... Wednesday it came back. Harder, and more painful than before. My symptoms even stuck around longer. Isn't that great? I've been trying to bide my time until Redmosqui starts summer break. It's only 1 more week. Here's hoping it doesn't come back before then. I was so sick, I forgot to pick up the newspaper that had my daughters picture in it for her graduation. Hopefully, I can still get it by calling the newspaper. Thankfully, one of my best friends was here over the weekend and was able to help me out during the day while Redmosqui was at work. There is no describing this medical condition. At this point, it even has my mom, in my opinion, overly concerned.

I have had a lot of things that I've wanted to blog about lately. But unfortunately, time has not been on my side. So, let's talk about Bee. I talk about Bug so much that maybe today, since I am still in some pain from Wednesday and having problems sleeping with it... I can talk about my sweet little bee. Earlier this year, she was doing great with her potty training until one fateful day, she forgot to put her special seat down and fell in the potty. She is a very dainty and petite little girl. She is 3 years old and weighs 28 pounds. She's very small. So when I say she fell in... she was all in. It was tramatizing for her. She wouldn't even go in the bathroom after that. Poor Bee. Our schedule was so busy, I decided that since we were pretty much in and out of the car more than 4 or 5 times during the day, I would let her slide with occasionally going and when preschool was over, I would get aggressive with it by axing the Pull ups except for night time. She's still too young for that. This also gave me time to think about the perfect reward for her.

Well preschool ended May 27th. And I came out with the perfect reward for her. She's obsessed with Dora. Her current bedding is bedding that I had when I was child. So it's pretty old. She doesn't know it, and she likes it but she asked me a while ago if I would get her a Dora bedding set. So, with that in mind.... I calculated the cost of what I would save by not buying Pull ups and budgeted that without Pull ups in my life I could provide her with a Dora Bedding Set, Wall Appliques, and a Dora Doll. There was our deal. It takes 21 days to break a habit. So I gave her 21 days. We're a week in and so far so good. She wears Dora panties, and Ariel panties. She has her own success song. Make sure to wash her hands and turn the lights off when she's done in the bathroom. And never fails to remind me that everyday about her Dora blanket, pillow, and doll. She doesn't know about the wall decor quite yet. That's a special surprise for my baby girl. Bug is even on board with the encouraging talks and Bee is sweet enough to share her treats with Bug.

For Bee, next year she'll be going to a new preschool next year. She'll be there 5 days a week 4 hours a day. So, I will still get one on one time with her while Bug discovers kindergarten. And I will get a much needed break with these hours that I am working. She's excited to go everyday just like her sister. And I am excited for her. In 6 months, Bee will be 4. I'm almost there! Almost to having both girls in school full time. One of the perks of having a teacher as my husband (there are a lot more honey, I promise.. this is just one!) is the time off he gets. So by my calculations, with his breaks, I have 18 more months of third shift left. When he's home, he's awesome. He lets me get all the rest I need. Soon--- we get to work close to the same hours.

It's coming, and I am excited. Today, I attempted to catch up on reading blogs and commenting. Hopefully more soon and hopefully, I will be able to update again before Father's Day. :) This weekend, despite the sickness was fun. Today, we went to Petco to take Penny to get her bath. They have edible doggie birthday cards that are actually rawhide. The girls want me to invited everyone over for Penny's birthday--- which is June 13th and make her a cake. Yeah... not gonna happen. So I got them a card to give her--- more a surprise for them and a Frisbee so we can have more fun in the backyard with her. We are loving her coconut vanilla smell! She's such a good dog. :) While she was getting her bath, we went to Denny's and found that it was kid's eat free day. Awesome for my wallet. While picking Penny up at Petco, we saw some lovely kitties. One had a sad story that brought me to tears----- Her owner didn't take care of her, she got ear mites, and scratched her ears off. Poor kitty. I wish I could help every animal out there. That's just sad. That's it for our weekend. Sunday is going to be our typical chore day before I go to work. Lawn needs mowed, car needs washed, floors swept and vacuumed, bathroom cleaned, laundry.... too bad these things doesn't get done all by themselves. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Veronica Lee said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better.

Don't you wish we could have a remote we could click to get chores done automatically?!! I'm way behind in the housework!!

Happy Weekend!!

Mentor James said...

LOL..agreed..i juut wished there was a automatic clothes folder..oo and maybe a picker-upper 2000 would be nice too..=)..but then my kids wouldn't have anything to complain about..glad you're feeling well and thanks for dropping by the blog

Daddy Forever said...

So sorry about your health problem. I think you must be the biological mother of our youngest child. He seems to have more than his share of health problems too. He sucks up all of our time and drains all of our energy. He loses weight every week and have really bad hives once or twice a week. We can't figure out what else he is allergic too. He ate different food each time.

Stephanie said...

OH I so empathise with the undiagnoised medical issues. Sigh. Sending you wishes of only good health and sucesful potty traning!


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